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New motorbikes in 2021

On May 18, 2021, on behalf of Dr Nana, Mr Daniel Bangrey handed over five new TVS125e bikes to the Talensi District Health Service at a ceremony chaired by Ms Estella Abazesi, the Health Service Director. It was attended by leaders from the five communities to which the bikes had been allocated and by the nurses designated as the bikes' primary riders.  Also present was the Talensi District Police Commander.  

After the introductions, Mr Bangrey read out a short speech from Prof Laurence Gruer on behalf of Dr Nana (see video). He said Dr Nana had decided to purchase the five new bikes because they had seen the immediate benefits to health service delivery  in the three communities receiving new bikes in November 2020. The commitment of the communities to safeguarding the bikes and the monthly maintenance programme now in place also gave Dr Nana confidence that allocating more bikes to communities that had none would be a sound investment.  As with the existing bikes, Dr Nana would provide 150 cedis per month for running costs over the next 12 months and anchors would be installed to secure the bikes at their base when not in use. Mr Bangrey would provide feedback on how the bikes were being used. Provided this was satisfactory and its funds allowed, Dr Nana would consider providing more bikes. 

Ms Abazesi stressed how important it was that the nurses only used the bikes for health service duties and took them for monthly servicing. The police commander  said he and his officers were there to help ensure the bikes were safeguarded.

The community leaders left no doubt about the importance they attached to the new bikes, their words translated from Talen by Mr Bangrey. 

Community Health Team Leader, Yalle

“The very day the message came that we were getting a motorcycle in our village, I took it to be a dream! I still cannot believe my eyes that we are going away to the village with this motorcycle. You all here cannot get my feelings. The whole village will rejoice tonight. The motorcycle is our rival now. She is the newly wedded to the Community. God bless all who made this possible. We are sure one day they will bring us a vehicle. God will protect all the nurses who will be riding these machines to do their work. God bless Dr Nana."


Community Leadership Head, Winkogo

"Our Nurse is here. She is doing her very best for us each day. She does all that on foot. Now that we have a motorcycle for her rounds, she will do more. On foot, a delay will cause death. But with the motorcycle, lives will be saved. We are very grateful to Dr Nana for their donation. Like my colleagues have said, we will marry the motorcycles and be sleeping with the machines."


Community Leadership Head, Dikpeang

"The day cannot be described. Our Madam Nurse is here. She serves us well on foot. Now there will be a bike, we can imagine how our health will be handled. Dr Nana “tuoma-tuoma” – thank you."


2021 5 18 Bikes on display.jpg

The new bikes arrive

Mr Bangrey gives the handover speech

Handing over the keys

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