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Improving health facilities

Accra Site

Accra Site is one of the most remote communities in Talensi District, only existing because of extensive illegal gold-mining in the area. Dr Nana's first project, in 2016, was to fund renovations of some abandoned mining engineers' buildings. The two-roomed makeshift clinic was repainted inside and out, new doors and windows were fitted and shelves were provided. A smaller single-room building was repainted and turned into a dressings room. The work was carried out by a private contractor to a disappointingly poor standard. The two nurses who slept on-site during the week were given latex mattresses.

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Supported by a contribution from the local community, in 2017-18, Dr Nana funded improvements to the clinic's pharmacy and laboratory and the creation of a new dressings room and a young people's counselling room. 

Following the failure of the Maternity Centre building in 2019, Dr Nana funded the upgrading of two rooms in the nearby clinic to enable the maternity service to continue: floor and wall tiling, painting, installation of a large sink with running water and a ceiling fan; and creation of a secure store for an autoclave, suction machine and other equipment. Water pressure was increased by raising the height of the water-tank. All the work was coordinated by Dan Bangrey and completed to a high standard.

In mid 2020, it became apparent that the electrical wiring in the clinic and the nurses' accommodation was in too dangerous a state  to allow equipment such as the autoclave to be safely used. At a cost of £1575, Dr Nana funded the complete rewiring of the health compound which was carried out in September 2020 (see photos). The Health Director said, "The staff are very happy and appreciative of you and your team for the improved work conditions."


This CHPS compound, a few miles from Balungu, was funded by the District Assembly and handed over to the Health Service in mid-2019. Although a borehole had been sunk nearby and a water tower erected, no money remained to connect up the water supply to the clinic.  At the request of the Health Director, in late 2019 Dr Nana funded the installation of en electric pump at the borehole and pipework to the water-tower and from there to outlets in the clinic and the nurses' quarters. The nursing staff were delighted with result. All work was coordinated by Dan Bangrey. 

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